We're sorry you didn't like your Mystery shirt. Unfortunately, we are unable to return or exchange shirts as we have an all sales are final policy. We believe our Be Kind message is the most important aspect of the shirt :) We think you will look great in your shirt! However, you can always donate it to someone in need if you choose not to wear it.
Can I return my Mystery Shirt if I don't like the color?
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I sent you a message last night when I found the order!! I never ordered the T-shirt ... The only order I did was red, white & blue shirt & white shirt with colored kinda wavy lines!! Please cancel the order!! Thank You Pamela Colvin 😊
I do have 2 shirts to return.. The T-Shirts where very thin & mine was bad. You could poke a hole with your finger it's so thin!! I want to just exchange them but want the T-shirts love the color...
It was the turquoise T's. Thank You. Pamela Colvin
Please contact me about order it's not the one I ordered.
I understand there are no refunds or returns. Pleas cancel any other orders like subscriptions. I DO NO WANT ANY MORE OF YOUR Products. Cancel
I think it's very unfair of you not to allow exchanges. I received 2 shirts with the same print, both size small. I weigh 150 lbs. I am not small. Unfortunately, as much as I love your designs, I will shop elsewhere. Good luck with your business. Respectfully, Linda Hendricks Perez
I think it's very unfair of you not to allow exchanges. I received 2 shirts with the same print, both size small. I weigh 150 lbs. I am not small. Unfortunately, as much as I love your designs, I will shop elsewhere. Good luck with your business. Respectfully, Linda Hendricks Perez
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